Monday, June 9, 2008

Dark Jedi's Birthday and Impending Birth of the Brother


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

My little dark jedi of a daughter had her 2nd birthday over the weekend. Katie got to eat a lot of cupcake and ran around in a sugar infused frenzy. We had more than enough relatives to fill her grandparents house, so much so that she played shy for quite a while when we first arrived.

Tomorrow she's in for a bigger shock. If all goes as planned she's becoming a big sister. Bridget is scheduled to be induced tomorrow at 7am... well that's when we're supposed to get there at any rate. We'll see how long it takes for the boy to come out... took Katie all day but 2nd babies come out faster... so THEY say.

Keep an eye on the family blog at for news and pictures. I'll be posting them directly from my fancy pants cellphone. Everyone send the happy vibes so that every thing will go wonderfully!

Oh, and I just found out that my cousin Brad and his wife Bri are pregnant. The family tree just keep getting bigger!

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