Monday, July 30, 2007

She Lives Again

Gender Flipped Warrior

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Here's an update on my weekend Guild Wars progress (I know no one cares but me).

My elementalist managed to get his last 15 attribute points, which is a major check mark off the to-do list. He also capped an elite skill along the way. Next for him is progressing further in Elona... because I want to by him some Vabbi armor. That is unless the GW:EN ele armor turns out to be really cool (not holding my breath).

Satine, my main necromancer character, capped a few more mesmer elites. She's already got all the necromancer elites and most of the normal necro skills. Figured I'd work through the other profession's elites working through each campaign respectively. That way I can pick up each title along the way. There's still a long way to go.

On a side not I picked up a couple more gold items that pushed Satine's wisdom track almost to the half way point.

The biggest news is I finally deleted the mule monk that did nothing but hold item upgrade components. It took a bit, but I managed to find places for everything she was carrying and then deleted her worthless butt. After freeing up that character slot I decided to make a PvP character, since I've never bothered to keep one handy.

If you remember last April Fool's Day GW played a trick where they flipped the gender of your character. I was very impressed by my big drunken warrior's womanly twin, so much so that I've brought her back from the nebulous void. Behold Grimm Panda's new PvP sister Twin Panda!

Actually the above picture is from the Fool's Day event, but trust me... she looks exactly the same.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Finished Harry Potter #7

Finished Harry Potter #7

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Finally finished during lunch! Turns out all I had left was the final chapter and the epilogue. Loved the ending, it came together perfectly.

The epilogue was good too. Didn't explain in too much detail, but it didn't have too. Though I hear JKR will fill you in on any details you want now that the series is over... and she's planning an encyclopedia too.

She deserves a vacation, so I can wait for a few years.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Almost to the End of Harry Potter

Almost to the End of Harry Potter

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

I'm so close to the end it's not funny. It was 1 a.m. and I just had to go to bed. This was not before I finished a chapter that made me feel things might turn out alright after all... just maybe.

This morning is going to be a long one. I wish my lunch break were here NOW!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Texas: Doomed

"Via the DefCon blog comes news that Texas governor Rick Perry has appointed a creationist to head the Texas State Board of Education.
I’ll give you a moment to clean off your screen..."

Okay... I'm scared.

read more | digg story

Star Wars in Fort Worth


Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

I guess I forgot to mention that back on the 12th we all went to see the Star Wars exhibit at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. It was filled with costumes and props from the films. Took lots of pictures that are now on flickr for all to see.

Harry Potter #7

Harry Potter #7

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Over half way through the last Harry Potter book. Depending on if Katie let's me... I'll bet I can finish it up in a couple more nights. Don't hold me to that!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Dragon Festival "Demon"

Dragon Festival "Demon"

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Over the weekend Guild Wars held another Dragon Festival. Last year the festival took place as a run up to the release of Nightfall (the last campaign), so they had the festival be invaded by demons. This was as a precursor to all the nastiness to come in the campaign.

Well in the progression of the overall story arc of Guild Wars the Nightfall campaign has been completed so the demons have all gone away (sort of). So this years Dragon Festival was invaded by actors playing "demons" (see the picture) which is kinda a neat trick. Made the little missions and tasks funnier this time around.

Got my new demon mask for my troubles, didn't actually make it to the festival last year so I missed out on last years dragon mask. Had a lot of fun. It's great that ArenaNet continues to provide additional content like this too keep things interesting.

Goodbye Abbadon

Goodbye Abbadon

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

I managed to finish up the last campaign in Guild Wars a little while ago. That clears me up for the new expansion due out at the end of August. There's still plenty to do in the game, but getting through the main storyline was one of the major things I wanted to complete.

It would still have been great if I had bought the first game right when it was released, instead of waiting about a half a year. I didn't even get the next campaign right away either, which also looks foolish in hindsight. Then again I really didn't know I'd get into it so fully, now did I?

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Katie and Cousin John

Katie and Cousin John

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

We spent most of the 4th down in Granbury at my Grandparents house. Good food, nice view (they live on the lake), and fun with the family. Katie crawled all over the place, which is normal.

It wore me out and I had to take a nap when I got home. Naps are wonderful things. Bridget would have liked one too, but since Katie slept on the way home she wasn't about to let both of us sleep.

Thank you my wonderful wife for letting me sneak away for a bit!

"Even Richard Nixon knew it was time to resign"

My wife hates it when I post political stuff, but Keith Olbermann sums up what I'm feeling right now. I wish I could count on my Congressional Representative to do the right thing... but I can't.

From digg:
From Iraq to Scooter Libby, Bush and Cheney have broken America's trust and stabbed this nation in the back. It is time for them to go.

read more | digg story