Monday, July 9, 2007

Dragon Festival "Demon"

Dragon Festival "Demon"

Originally uploaded by FlipSide3.

Over the weekend Guild Wars held another Dragon Festival. Last year the festival took place as a run up to the release of Nightfall (the last campaign), so they had the festival be invaded by demons. This was as a precursor to all the nastiness to come in the campaign.

Well in the progression of the overall story arc of Guild Wars the Nightfall campaign has been completed so the demons have all gone away (sort of). So this years Dragon Festival was invaded by actors playing "demons" (see the picture) which is kinda a neat trick. Made the little missions and tasks funnier this time around.

Got my new demon mask for my troubles, didn't actually make it to the festival last year so I missed out on last years dragon mask. Had a lot of fun. It's great that ArenaNet continues to provide additional content like this too keep things interesting.

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